10 Ways To Overcome Heartbreak

Heartbreak or rejection is not a palatable experience. It is one of the most depressing and painful experiences anyone could have. As a matter of fact, a lot of people have lost their lives because they couldn’t overcome heartbreak or rejection. In this article, we’re going to explore ways to overcome heartbreak and come out stronger.

For some time now, I have been receiving a lot of messages from people seeking counselling on how to overcome heartbreak or rejection. Hence, it becomes necessary for me to write this article, 10 ways to overcome heartbreak, to help anyone that may be in such situations right now.

One of the messages that touched me is the story of a lady whose man rejected and ditched her for her roommate. According to her, she loves this guy and has done some things for him.

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The guy woke up one morning and told her that he doesn’t want to have anything to do with her again, that he just wants them to be friends. The attention he used to give to her is now diverted to her roommate. She was crying profusely when she was telling me this. She is heartbroken.

Another lady sent me a message seeking counselling on how to handle breakups. She had a misunderstanding with her man and they broke up, ever since then she has been finding it difficult to forget about the guy.

Just like the case of these 2 ladies, a lot of people have been heartbroken or rejected for no reason. Their partners whom they love so much just broke up with them for no apparent reason, despite everything you have done for them.

Recently, a lady told me that she is finding it difficult to forget about a guy she broke up with 2 years ago and that she still has feelings for him even while she is currently in a new relationship.

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Maybe you are in such a situation right now you’re finding it difficult to overcome or get over your ex, 10 ways to overcome heartbreak or rejection is for you. In this article, you will learn how to overcome heartbreak or rejection. I will show you some things to do to overcome heartbreak or rejection and to forget about your ex.

10 Ways To Overcome Heartbreak Explained

1. Accept Reality

Accepting reality is the first thing you need to do if you’re going to heal quickly after a heartbreak or rejection.

Stop daydreaming, stop believing that he or she will come back, and accept reality. Your partner has broken up with you, it has happened, you have been rejected or ditched, accept it. Stop wishing and believing. Come to terms with reality. The lady has gone, bro. The guy has moved on, sis. Accept the fact.

Until you accept reality, until you come to terms with reality you may not move to another level. You have to determine where you are right now to be able to determine where you are going or the next thing to do. So, accept that what has happened has happened.

Cry if you must and cry to your satisfaction. Release the tension that has been built up within you.

2. See It From Another Perspective

Everything happens for a reason, sometimes it’s for good, another time it’s for bad. More often than not, when a breakup occurs, you feel it’s because you are not good enough, you focus on yourself alone, and you don’t see things from another angle.

It is not always the case, sometimes people break up with you because of themselves, and they feel they don’t deserve you.

You’re feeling bad about what just happened, you’re rejected and ditched, you are thinking it is because you are not good enough, you’re not beautiful enough, handsome enough, rich enough, romantic enough, and all that.

Let me ask you, what if that breakup and rejection is from God to deliver you from getting married to the wrong person? Think about it.

After you accept reality, don’t stop there, don’t dwell there crying your eyes out. Doing that can be depressing and suicidal. Look at the brighter side of life. Not all breakups or rejection is as a result of what you did or didn’t do, some breakups and rejections are divine orchestration to deliver you from making a mistake of a lifetime.

Some time ago, a lady I once counselled sent me a message and was thanking me that the counsel I gave her was very helpful to her. In her words, she said, “Sometimes you need to give a relationship gap to focus on other things.”

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Maybe you should also consider this moment that period to give a relationship a gap to focus on other things. Who knows if that relationship is distracting you from what God wants to do with your life? Who knows if the relationship is hurting your life and health and God decided to intervene? Think about it.

3. Get Busy With Your Life

An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. When you are not busy with your life, the devil will have a field day with you, you will have enough time to be thinking about heartbreak, rejection, and all that comes with it but when you are busy, you won’t give that much of a thought.

Are you a student, get busy with attending lectures, studies, and assignments? Are you a church worker, get busy with the work of God? You are yet to discover your purpose, discover your purpose, and get busy with fulfilling it.

Go after your goals. Chase your dreams. Get yourself busy with value-adding activities. Give no place to idleness and laziness. Maybe you should apply for another degree, or register for a professional course that will help your career. Just get busy.

4. Eliminate Everything That Reminds You Of The Person

There’s a saying, “Out of sight is out of contact or mind.” So, eliminate everything that reminds you of the person, pictures, phone numbers, etc. You may have to delete the person’s contact, unfriend, or block the person on social media.

Keeping things that will remind you of the person will always bring back the memories of what the person has done to you. It’s like renewing a wound over and over again. It’s better to get rid of those things.

5. Take Hold Of Your Thought

You can’t seem to forget about the person, he or she is permanently in your thoughts and all that. It is because you are yet to take hold of your thoughts. It has become a predominant thought. Take hold of your thoughts. Begin to fill your mind with something else. Read books, listen to music, watch movies, comedy skits, etc.

You need to understand that you have the power to choose what you want to think about. You’re the only one in charge of your thoughts. Change your focus and thoughts. Consciously change your thoughts. Vacuum is not allowed in nature. You either choose your thoughts or you allow people to do that for you.

Fill your thoughts with something else, read books, immerse yourself in self-development, go out with friends, and watch movies.

6. Forgive And Move On

Steve Harvey said in a video, “If you forgive a person but you hang on to anger, the pain, and the hurt and you say you forgave the person, then you don’t understand what forgiveness is. Forgiveness is not for the other person, it’s for you.”

Understandably, the person hurt you deeply. The person rejected and ditched you for no reason despite everything you have done, despite all your sacrifices. Consequently, you’re filled with resentment and bitterness. You’re hurting yourself.

You have to forgive the person not because the person deserves it but because you deserve peace of mind. You can never be at peace when you’re carrying anger, pain, resentment, and bitterness around. Forgiveness is therapeutic. It rejuvenates your mind and body.

Forgive. Leave judgement to God. Let God judge between you both. Let go of the anger, pain, and hurt. Forgiveness is not for the other person, it’s for you.

7. Move on with your life

The end of a relationship is not and should not be the end of life. Life moves on.

That a relationship didn’t work out with one doesn’t mean you should end your life. The world population is over 7 billion people, you should not kill yourself because of one person.

Nobody is indispensable. If anyone thinks that without him or her, you cannot survive, the person is greatly mistaken. Anybody can be replaced.

So move on with your life. You had a life when you met the person. Your life shouldn’t end now because of the person. Look for ways to add value to your life. Chase your dreams. Go to functions, seminars, birthday and wedding parties, and hang out with friends to have fun. Live your life.

8. Look for someone to talk to

Do not bottle up your feelings and the tensions you’re feeling inside of you. Look for a trusted person to talk to for support and guidance. This person can be your parents, a friend, a colleague, a therapist, a counsellor, or your pastor.

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Don’t just keep it to yourself, talk about it. It helps you to overcome heartbreak or rejection as quickly as possible. Talking is therapeutic. It helps you to release the tensions within.

9. Pray to God for healing

Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28 NIV)

So, pray about it. Pour out your heart to God, and tell Him exactly how you are feeling. Just talk to God. Cry to your satisfaction. You see, prayer is also therapeutic. It releases the tensions that have built up in you. Pray for the healing and mending of your heart. God is a Specialist in that and a lot of people can testify to it.

10. Give it time

People do say that time heals, however time itself heals nothing. It is what you do with the time that determines if you heal or not.

If you stay idle doing nothing except mourning your heartbreak, you won’t heal. If you are going to heal, you have to implement everything that has been said in this article. Doing this will take little time, so, give it time and don’t give up.

In Conclusion

Overcoming heartbreak or rejection is not an easy task but you can overcome it if you want to. I have been heartbroken and what I shared in this article is part of the things I did to overcome. You will be glad you did.

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