12 Ways To Build Your Relationship

Are you presently in a relationship and you are confused about the next thing to do now that you are in a relationship? I have written this for people like you. In this article, you will learn ways to build your relationship and nurture it.

There is nothing in this life that happens by chance. The relationship of your dream will not happen by accident, you must work it, you must build and nurture your relationship to make it what you want.

There is no reasonable person that enters a relationship hoping that it will not work out except for those that just want to have sex and for monetary benefits. Everyone that wants a serious relationship enters one with the hope that it will work out, that is, it will end up in marriage.

Relationships must be built and nurtured. Successful relationships don’t fall from heaven, they’re made. A relationship doesn’t build or nurture itself. So, if you want your relationship to be successful, you must build and nurture your relationship.

What Does It Mean To Build And Nurture Yourself Relationship?

To build means to form (something) by putting together parts or materials, to construct something by putting parts or materials together, to develop, increase, strengthen or enhance something while to nurture means to nourish, maintain, feed, or support something.

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Therefore, to build and nurture your relationship means to form or construct something you desire by putting together some things which we will be discussing in this article.

Firstly, before you start to build and nurture your relationship, you must have a dream or an understanding of the kind of relationship you want to build and nurture. In my experience of counselling different people, I can say everyone desires a relationship that is healthy and successful.

Ways To Build And Nurture Your Relationship

To build and nurture your relationship to be healthy and successful, you will need to do the following. PS: They’re in no particular order

1. You must give it your attention

What you don’t give attention to will die. Imagine a newborn child lacking his or her mother’s attention, what do you think will happen? Imagine a garden lacking the attention of the husbandman. Weeds will overtake the garden in no time.

You don’t build and nurture your relationship in a state of unconsciousness or oblivion. It takes a conscious effort to build and nurture. So, give your relationship the attention it deserves.

To give attention to something means to create time for that thing. If don’t have time for your partner, you don’t create time for him or her, if you are always busy, then you are not giving your attention to the person.

“I don’t have time” or “I am busy” are not the language or statements of those that build and nurture their relationships. Your relationship is as important as your job. As you create time for your job or business, you must also create time for your relationship.

Time is often allocated on a platform of value. If you value something, you will create time for it. If your partner is important to you, you will have time for him or her.

We create time for important things. You should create for your partner to talk, go on a date, see some movies, gossip, bond, etc.

2. You must give it your affection

Oftentimes, the starting point of a relationship is attraction. You saw the person and got attracted and then you approach the person to talk and so on. If you’re not attracted to a person, what other business do you have with the person? But the relationship must transcend attraction to affection.

Without affection, your relationship will malfunction. Imagine a child without his or her parents’ love and affection. Imagine a garden lacking moisture and dew, what do you think will happen? The child will grow up and become hostile and cruel because you can’t give what you don’t have and the garden will be dry.

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Without love and affection in a relationship, the relationship will be full of resentment, harshness, hostility, irritation, unforgiveness, etc. So if you must build and nurture your relationship to be healthy and successful, you must invest your emotions into it.

3. You must communicate

Communication is the lifeline and blood of every relationship. Blood is important to the survival of a living thing. Without blood, life will cease to exist. Likewise, without communication, the relationship will die a natural death. As a matter of fact, without communication, there can be no relationship.

You cannot say that you are in a relationship with someone and for a whole day, two days, a week you did not communicate with the person. Also, you cannot build and nurture your relationship without communicating as often as possible.

If you don’t have the time to chat, call, text, and communicate with your partner, then you should not be in a relationship in the first place. No relationship will grow without communication. So, you must create time to communicate, chat, call, text, and discuss with your partner.

4. You must sacrifice

What we sacrifice sometimes reveals our values. If you don’t make sacrifices for your relationship, it is evidence that your relationship is not that important to you. A relationship isn’t for free, it will cost you.

  • It will cost you your money, you must spend. You cannot say you love someone and then you don’t give to the person once in a while.


  • It will cost your time. You will have to forgo other things to be with your partner.


  • It will cost your comfort sometimes. There will be times that you just want to be alone, you want to sleep, and then your partner will need your attention, will want you to be with them, etc, you will have to make the sacrifice.

If you can’t make sacrifices, you cannot build and nurture your relationship. A relationship requires sacrifices, it is not for selfish people.

5. You must learn to trust your partner

Trust is another brick you use to build and nurture your relationship. It is fundamental to the sustainability and longevity of a relationship. It is the bedrock of a relationship. Without trust, the relationship will be shaking, it will be full of suspicions and doubt. And where there’s no trust, there can’t be peace.

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So, you have to trust. But let me say, you have to make yourself trustworthy for your partner to trust you and your partner must make himself or herself trustworthy for you too so that the trusting will be easy.

6. You must be honest and transparent

A relationship that is full of lies and deceptions will not last. Imagine building a house with substandard materials, it is just a matter of time before it collapses.

If you desire a healthy and successful relationship if you desire to build and nurture your relationship to something meaningful and beneficial you must be honest, truthful, and transparent. You must be yourself. Your partner should know you for who you are.

Lies, secrets, and deceptions kill trust and make trusting to be difficult.

7. You must be accountable

You are responsible to someone, therefore you cannot do anything or go anywhere you want without informing or discussing it with your partner. When you make a mistake, your partner should be aware of it and when your partner is demanding accountability from you like where you go, who you are with, what you do with your money, how much you earn, who you are on call with, etc., don’t become defensive or angry. Be accountable.

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Accountability helps you to build and nurture your relationship. When you remember that you will report yourself and that you are accountable to someone, it helps you to respect yourself and keep yourself in check.

8. You must learn to compliment and appreciate your partner

Everyone loves to be complimented and appreciated, it does good the emotion. It makes someone feel special. This is one of the ways to build and nurture your relationship.

Learn to compliment and appreciate your partner. When your partner does something good, appreciate him or her. If she makes a new hairstyle, compliment it. When he dresses gorgeously, give a compliment. Appreciate their efforts. It will motivate the person to do more.

9. You must be a romantic partner

To be romantic means to do simple things in a special way. Instead of calling your partner by name, you look for a sweet pet name to call him or her, get surprise gifts for your partner, drop romantic notes in strategic places, and so on.

You should be romantic. Play with someone you love. Don’t only internalize your feelings but also verbalize your feelings. Tell the person how much you love him or her, how much they mean to you, and so on.

10. You must learn to be a humble partner

Pride kills relationships. You are not a perfect human being. You have your flaws and weaknesses. You make mistakes. So you must build and nurture your relationship, you should be humble enough to admit your mistakes and apologize for them and make amends where necessary.

It is pride that will make someone not admit his or her mistakes. It is also pride that will make one think that they are doing you a favour by being in a relationship with you. The truth is that you’re not doing anybody a favour by being in a relationship with them and no one is doing you a favour by being in a relationship with you.

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So, you must be humble both to admit your mistakes and apologize and to stop the entitlement mentality.

11. You must be understanding and empathic

Being understanding and empathetic are essential qualities you use to build and nurture your relationship. You just have to be understanding and sympathetic.

Without understanding and empathy, you will be insensitive to the complaints and feelings of your partner. Sometimes, your partner will need some space to do other things with his or her life and you have to understand that he or she is not pushing you away.

If you must build and nurture your relationship to be healthy and successful, you must be understanding and empathic. You should always put yourself in your partner’s shoes, and see things from their perspective.

12. You must learn to forgive

Your partner is going to hurt you, offend you, and drive you crazy. They are not perfect, no one is perfect. We are all imperfect humans full of mistakes and weaknesses.

Someone said, “Real relationship that lasts requires a lot of forgiveness.” You have to accept the fact that your partner will offend you greatly and you’re going to forgive if you must build and nurture your relationship.

One Extra Crucial Way to Build And Nurture Your Relationship

13. You must learn to be respectful

Respect is reciprocal. If you want your partner to respect your feelings, boundaries, and opinions, you should also learn to do the same for your partner.

The truth is, any relationship where there is no respect, no respect for one’s dignity, personality, values, opinions, feelings, etc., is an abusive relationship and you should not be in such a relationship.

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Respect is a crucial building block to building and nurturing your relationship. Respect your partner, his or her dignity, personality, opinions, values, boundaries, etc.

In Conclusion

A healthy and successful relationship does not build itself. People who are in a relationship are the ones to build it, and until you build and nurture your relationship, nobody else will do it for you. Put in the work and effort.

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