Do you have a lady that has caught your attention, and captured your heart but you don’t know how to go about talking to her? This article, 5 WAYS TO WOO A WOMAN, will teach you just how to do it.
Some time ago, a friend tagged me to a post made by a lady. The lady shared a screenshot of her conversation with a man.
Obviously, from the conversation, you will see that the man has an interest in the lady and was trying to woo her but he doesn’t know how to go about it.
All he kept doing was to send the Lady greetings. He will greet her in the morning, afternoon, and evening with nothing else to say.
At some point, he began to call her pet names, “Good morning Best”, “Good afternoon Most Beautiful” etc. The man was practically terrorizing this lady with greetings.
Consequently, the lady got frustrated and asked the man what he wanted from her. That was the extent she revealed in the screenshot.
Just like this man, there are many men out there, especially my Christian brothers, who have a lady they are interested in but they don’t know how to go about getting the attention of the lady in question.
If you are such a man or brother, you have a lady that attracts and has caught your attention but to approach her is the problem, I wrote this article for you to help you get her attention and possibly get the woman of your dreams.
5 Ways To Woo A Woman
1. Make a little research about the lady.
The first thing to do among the 5 ways to woo a woman is to research the lady. If it is online you saw her, do a little research about her. Go through her social media platforms, and read the things she posts and the things she shares on her wall. This will give you a clue about her person, the kind of things she likes and is passionate about, and her interests.
For instance, if you go through my profile on any of my social media platforms, you will observe that I am passionate about relationships, marriage, and family issues.
There are people passionate about and write about Education, business, career, family, relationships, fashion, gender equality, women advocacy, women empowerment, etc. So go through her profile and take note of these things.
If you saw the lady offline, you can also research her. Observe her well and you will see something you will use to strike up a conversation. Her personality, beauty, fashion sense, interests, passions, etc., are good areas to strike up a conversation with her.
2. Strike up a conversation
Among the 5 ways to woo a woman, how you a conversation with her is very important. It will determine if she gives you a listening ear or not.
After you have gathered enough information about her, then use what you know about her to strike up a conversation.
It has been proven that women are moved greatly by words. If you know how to engage someone in a conversation, then you stand a good chance of getting what you want. One of the important ways to woo a woman is through words, words are important to them.
If it is online you want to start a conversation with her, don’t enter her inbox and start greeting her only with nothing else to add to it like the man in the story above. Instead, do these things;
i. Exchange pleasantries
It’s always good to start with exchanging pleasantries.
ii. Be polite in your conversation, minding your choice of words, tone, etc.
iii. Introduce yourself
Tell her your name, where you are based, and possibly what you do for a living.
iv. Then, bring up a conversation with her based on what you have observed and gathered about her.
You can ask her a question, for more explanation, based on what she shared on her social media handle. You can compliment her fashion sense, beauty, intelligence, what she is doing, etc.
You can encourage her, you can offer to support her in whatever capacity you can, that’s if she needs any support. All these are based on what you observed and gathered about her.
For example, if she is an author of a book. You can ask her questions about the book. You can buy one from her, you can pay for more copies and ask her to distribute it to people that need the book but can’t afford it. You have won a special place in her heart with this.
Someone said, “When you’re trying to woo a woman, paying her compliments will get you far. Just make sure you’re sincere about it. If your compliment is generic enough that it could be used as a pickup line for any woman, try again.”
3. Avoid using endearment names
One of the not so good ways to woo a woman is using endearment names or calling a lady you just meet pet and endearment names like Sweetie, Sweetheart, Angel, Baby, My Love, etc., is a turn-off for many ladies. Endearment names are for those in a relationship. You’re not in a relationship with her yet. Calm down a little.
Some men even do worse, they send their manhood to the lady. That is wrong. Avoid using endearment names. Avoid sending your manhood to the lady. You’re not being serious.
4. Keep checking up on her
Among these 5 WAYS TO WOO A WOMAN, this particular point is my favorite. This is where the main work is. Constant communication breeds affection. Keep communicating with her. Try making her your friend. Don’t state your mission yet. Till and water the ground. You don’t sow a seed on fallow ground.
Make it a point of duty to communicate with her often. Chat her up always, call her if she gives you her contact, and check up on her. Know how she’s doing, how her day is going, what challenges she’s facing and how you can be of help to ease the situation, how her day went etc.
How to woo a woman is not hard is you know how to play your game well. Avoid being a boring guy. You need to be lively and interesting when you are trying to woo a woman . Crack sensible jokes to make her happy and feel good. Almost every lady likes guys with a good sense of humour. She will be getting the message little by little.
Give her enough attention. According to an article, “You’d be surprised by how many guys still think they’ll win over a woman by ignoring her. News flash: The thrill of the chase gets old. If you want to woo a woman, you have to spend time with her. Women who are serious about finding a good man will immediately dismiss anyone who plays games or is hard to get.”
5. State your mission
Among the 5 ways to woo a woman we have discussed so far, I consider this point to be crucial. You need to make your intention known to her.
After you have done these things listed above after she must have become free with you and after she has started getting the message, you should ask her out.
Spell out what you want from her in clear terms. Don’t speak in parables. Don’t be afraid.
Nothing is going to happen. Heaven will not fall. She cannot beat nor bite you. Don’t be shy unless you want to remain single. The highest thing she may do is to accept or decline your request.
If she declines your request, don’t give up yet. Some ladies like to play hard to get before they will finally accept your request. That is why it is a wooing. You don’t expect a woman to accept your request just like that. You have to keep wooing her until she accepts you.
Sometimes, they play hard to get because they’re not ready for a relationship yet. Keep being her friend, then bring up the matter again. However, if after a while she will not accept your request, then you may consider trying out another lady.
In conclusion, I want to say that wooing a woman is not hurricane task. A woman that wants you, a woman that is equally interested in you will not stress too much before she accepts to be your woman.
Just in case you are finding it difficult to approach the lady you’re interested in, these 5 WAYS TO WOO A WOMAN will help you do that. I will love to hear what you have to say in the comment below.
Thanks for reading
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© Samuel Okolie
Thank you for this piece of article. I wish I can tag some church brothers so they can see this, they really need it.