The Best Way To Find A Life Partner

A lot of people are greatly concerned about the best way to find a life partner. This concern is borne out of the desire to find the right person. To find a life partner, the right person for that matter is no easy task.

The method you use in trying to find a life partner is very important. There is nothing wrong to find a life partner however, the method(s) you used, something can be wrong with it.

The rate at which many marriages are crashing and the divorce rate skyrocketing in the world are clear signs that many people are getting something wrong while trying to find a life partner.

In my previous article, I treated about 12 Wrong Methods For Finding A Life Partner. These are ways people employ while trying to find a life partner. In this article, I will be showing you the best way to find a life partner.

Related: 12 Wrong Methods For Finding A Life Partner.

How A Brother Found His Wife

One Sunday afternoon, after church service, I was in a meeting. During the discussion, an announcement was made that a brother in our midst will be getting married come month-end and we all rejoiced and congratulated him.

While we were still rejoicing, a brother stood and asked the brother that will be getting married how he found or met his wife. Everyone was eager to hear the story. I brought out my pen and paper to put down some things because I find stories like this interesting.

Then, the brother stood and narrated how it happened. According to him, he said that it all started the year before when he was on 31-day fasting, prayer, and vigil. During the program, he prayed to find a life partner.

While he was still on the program he had a revelation, a sister came in the dream of the night and gave him an envelope. When he opened it he saw a wedding invitation. The sister was inviting him to her wedding. He wasn’t happy with what so he protested to her that he was supposed to be the one getting married to her and not to someone else.

When he woke up, he was confused about the dream. Consequently, he prayed concerning the dream and he received an interpretation that the sister was his wife. They eventually got married and they are blessed with 3 children now, happily married.

The Story Of Another Brother I Know

There is another brother in the local church where I worship. When he wanted to get married, prayed about it, and in a revelation, the Lord revealed a lady he doesn’t know from anywhere to him as his wife-to-be. The lady kept appearing to him whenever he prayed to find a life partner.

Now, the interesting thing about this story was that, while the brother was praying and this lady kept appearing in his dreams, this lady was also praying to find a life partner and this brother was also appearing in her dreams and revelations.

This continued until one day, they eventually met with each other coincidentally. They’re happily married now.

Read also: 5 Ways To Woo A Woman

The Best Way To Find A Life Partner Explained

Looking at the two stories, you will discover that one thing is common among the two stories and that is, that they prayed and God led them to find a life partner, a good one for that matter.

Someone said that, when you follow the footsteps of successful people, you are walking into your success because examples communicate principles.

The best way to find a life partner, not just any kind of person, but someone right for you and your destiny is by PRAYER. In other words, it is to allow God to lead you or to choose for you.

The Scripture says, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by PRAYER and PETITION, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:6‭-‬7 NIV)

Do not be anxious about what to do to find a life partner, instead present your request to God, go to God in prayers to lead you and to direct you to the right person for you, someone that will be a help-meet indeed.

The people in the stories have one thing in common: none of them dated. They go about their businesses and careers while praying to find life a life partner and God came through for them.

Why This Is Important

Why is prayer the best way to find a life partner? Why is it important to allow you to choose a partner for you or to direct you? Why is it so important?

1. God is the Originator, Inventor, and Founder of marriage

Genesis 2:18 says, “The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” God is the One who founded marriage. He was the first person to ever perform a wedding ceremony. Marriage was His idea and His product. It’s not a man’s idea.

No one knows a product better than the producer or inventor. So God knows about marriage, how to find a suitable helper and how the marriage itself should work. This is one of the reasons why it is important to involve God when you are trying to find a life partner.

Do not get married in isolation from God. It is a disaster waiting to happen. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths.

2. You are sure to get the best partner from God

The Scripture told us that, Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17 NIV)

Every good and perfect gift comes from God. So when you pray, when you trust in God to find a life partner, when you allow God to choose for or direct you in the process of finding a life partner, you’re sure to get the best from God.

Related: Factors To Consider Before Marrying Anyone 

When Abraham’s servant was mandated to find a life partner for Isaac, he prayed and God directed him to, Rebecca, the right woman for Isaac.

The scripture recorded that when Rebecca came into the life of Isaac he was comforted. That is what the right person does, he or she brings comfort. (See Genesis 24)

What I’m saying in essence is that the best way to find a life partner is to allow God to choose for you. Any other way is full of trials, errors, and uncertainties. Allow God to choose for you, that’s the best way. Allow Him to lead and direct you to the right person.

3. A good life partner comes from God

The declares, “…a PRUDENT WIFE(OR HUSBAND) IS FROM THE LORD.” (Prov. 19:14 emphasis are mine)

A good wife or good husband comes from the Lord. That is the only sure, guaranteed, and authentic way to find a good life partner. Any other way is full of uncertainty.

Dating is one of the ways many people follow to find a life partner. It’d done more harm than good. It’s a trial and error. It is a Western idea, now look at Westerners and their marriages!

4. Only God knows tomorrow

Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft, was divorced after 27 years of marriage.

Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder, was also divorced after 25 years of marriage.

I have never seen any genuine person that got married hoping to divorce someday. We all get married hoping to live happily ever after but you don’t know tomorrow.

The Scripture says, Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person. (John 2:23‭-‬25 NIV)

You don’t know the motive and intention of the person you’re getting married to, you don’t know if they want to use it to achieve a personal ambition and then they will leave you, only God knows. He is the only one that searches the heart and reveals intentions.

This is one of the reasons why you must involve God to find a life partner because only Him knows tomorrow, the future of your marriage with that man or woman. He is the only One that knows what that man will become when he has money, and what that woman will become when she becomes empowered.

The person you’re dating right now, do you think you know him? People pretend a lot of the time while dating. They put their best foot forward. Only God knows, that’s why it is important to involve Him.

5. It saves you time, energy, and resources

Dating, consulting a palm reader, a necromancer, astrologer, prophet, herbalist, etc., to help you find a life partner is quite expensive. You will invest your time, emotions, energy, and resources.

But waiting on the Lord in prayer saves you time, energy, and resources. It saves you from an uncountable number of heartbreaks. It keeps you from falling into immortality etc.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matt. 7:7‭-‬8 NIV)

Read also: How To Determine Sexual Compatibility Without Having Sex 

In Conclusion

God is the Perfect Matchmaker. He said concerning Adam, “I will make a helper meet(suitable, right, fit) for him.” (Genesis 2:18)

God is still in the business of making marriage partners for the people that will acknowledge and allow Him to choose for them.

It is not by force because God respects your will as a human. You will have to seek Him first before He will be able to lead, direct or choose for you.

Before God will choose anyone for you, He will put you into consideration. He doesn’t choose anyhow. He will choose someone fit and suitable for your destiny, purpose, personality, temperament, etc.

Let me close by saying that God does not force His will on people. You have the right to choose who you want to marry. But if you want the choice of God which is always the best, then you will have to give up your choice and right.

If you want the will of God, you will have to give up your will. Remember, the best way to find a life partner is to allow God to lead, direct, and choose for you.

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