Who Is The Right Kind Of Person To Marry?

Getting married to the right person is one of the secrets of having a successful marriage. Even if you are a good person or getting married for the right reasons, if you marry the wrong person, you can never have a successful marriage. Hence, it is important to know the right kind of person to marry. This is what this article is all about.

It’s a universal desire that anyone who wants to get married, wants the right kind person to marry. Nobody wants to make a mistake when it comes to choosing a life partner. Nobody wants to marry the wrong person.

As a matter of fact, there are people today who are afraid of getting married simply because they don’t want to marry the wrong person. When you look at the things that are happening these days in many marriages, you will agree with them that their fear is genuine. This is important because who you get married to impacts every single area of your life either positively or negatively.

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When you ask most ladies about the kind of man that they would like to marry, more often than not, before any other thing they want in a man, you are likely to hear things like a man that is God fearing and caring.

If you ask the same question to some men about the kind of woman they want, you are likely to hear, a submissive woman or that has good character. Whatever may be the answer, one thing is common and that is, that they all want the right person to marry. It’s a desire that is common to all and sundry.

Therefore, in this article we will seek to understand who the right person to marry is. Let’s go…

Who Is The Right Kind Of Person To Marry?

I will be using different terms to explain who the right person to marry is.

1. Someone suitable for you

When God announced that it was not good for the first man, Adam, to be alone and thus went about to look for a mate for him, the Bible recorded that, among the animals that were created, the livestock, the birds, and the wild beasts, none of them were suitable for Adam, so God went to work to make someone, a helper that will be suitable for him. (see Genesis 2:18).

This is one of the reasons why it’s bad to marry an animal. A man and an animal are not suitable for marriage.

When something is suitable it means that it has the required skills to perform a particular task, it is capable, qualified, appropriate, fit, and proper for something.

The right person to marry is someone who is suitable to you, someone that complements, fits you and is proper for your personality type, vision, aspirations, value system, etc.

2. Someone compatible with you

Jesus told an interesting parable that helped convey the point I want to make here. It says, “No one tears a piece out of a new garment to patch an old one. Otherwise, they will have torn the new garment, and the patch from the new will not match the old. And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins.” (see Luke 5:36-37)

Jesus was saying in essence that, you don’t use old clothes to patch new clothes, nor do you pour new wine into old wineskins otherwise, the new garment and the new wine will waste because of incompatibility.

From this story, it is clear that the right person to marry is someone that is compatible with you, someone you can peacefully coexist with and there will be no issues.

Compatible means when two or more things are capable of existing together in harmony. For 2 people to live peacefully and in harmony with each other, they must be compatible.

Someone once said that lack of compatibility is the leading cause of divorce. So the right person to marry is someone that is compatible with you. There must be compatibility in what you guys believe in, compatibility in your value system, compatibility in your purpose, compatibility in your health, compatibility in your hobbies and interests, compatibility in your mentality, sexual compatibility, etc.

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3. Someone that is in agreement with you

The Bible asked a crucial question, “Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” The answer is a capital NO! You cannot walk with someone you’re not in agreement with or someone that is not in agreement with YOU. (see Amos 3:3)

Agreement means harmony of opinion, action, or character. Someone whose opinions, actions, and character are not in agreement with yours is someone you should not marry as a matter of importance because there will always be disagreement and friction. You cannot enjoy or succeed in marriage with someone that is always in disagreement with you.

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Someone that agrees with your opinions, actions, and way of life is the right person to marry the right person to marry. Imagine someone that likes clubbing, drinking alcohol, and smoking weed getting married to someone that hates these things or a feminist getting married to a misogynist, do the math.

This does not mean that you will always agree with the person, the point is the areas of disagreement will be lesser than the areas of agreement.

4. Someone that is your kind

In 2 Cor 6: 14 the Bible instructed Christians, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness…”

A Christian and an unbeliever are not the same, there is a wide gap between them. One is righteous, the other is wicked, one is light and the other is darkness. If they should get married, the Bible says there will be no fellowship between them because there is no commonality.

Someone that is your kind is the right person to marry. He or she is someone that can be yoked with you together in marriage and there won’t be a problem. So, if you are a Christian, all things being equal, look for your fellow Christian to marry. If you’re an unbeliever, get married to your fellow unbeliever. If you’re a witch or wizard, get married to your kind.

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5. A person that is on the same page or track with you

If you are going in the RIGHT direction and someone else is going in the LEFT direction, and the person is willing to make a u-turn, that is the wrong person to marry.

Someone that is on the same page or track with you is the right person to marry. Someone that is on the same pedestal or track as you, someone with a similar or same vision or purpose as you, someone that wants to go where you want to go and do what you want to do is the right person to marry.

If you marry someone that’s going in a different direction as you or on the contrary page with you will have yourself to be blamed. That is the wrong person to marry.

6. An individual with good character

While it is good to marry someone beautiful and handsome, it is more important to marry someone with good character because you will not live with the beauty or handsomeness of the person but his or her character, attitude, and personality.

If you marry someone who has a beautiful or handsome face but with a bad character, you are going to suffer in such a marriage.

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An individual with good character is the right person to marry, someone that is loving, caring, faithful, kind, forgiving, considerate, selfless, gentle, humble, good, supportive, respectful, self-disciplined, sacrificial, etc.

Character deficiency and bankruptcy have been the bane of many people in marriages of today. Cheating, adultery, violence, murder, etc, are all products of character deficiency and bankruptcy. You can’t say to be the right person when you are lacking in character.

7. Someone you are led to by Divine Direction

God is the Initiator, Originator, Inventor, and founder of the marriage union. Therefore, it is not good to marry in isolation from Him. (see Genesis 2:18-24)

Someone you’re led to by God is the right person to marry. Proverbs 3:4-5 tells us, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths.”

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God is the Perfect Matchmaker, the only One that knows the man or woman that is best suitable and right for your life and destiny. So it is always better that before you venture into a relationship, you ask God in prayer to lead you to the right person.

8. Someone that is a true child of God

A husband and his wife were discussing one day, then the wife asked him if he would cheat on her for any reason. In response, the man told her that he can never cheat on her for any reason because he values his relationship with God more than he values their relationship.

Some dividends come with getting married to a true child of God. You don’t have to worry about him or her cheating on you, abusing you, beating, maltreating you, etc, because the person doesn’t want anything that will spoil his or her relationship with God.

A true child of God will be loving, caring, faithful, kind, forgiving, considerate, selfless, gentle, humble, good, supportive, respectful, self-disciplined, sacrificial, etc.

All things being equal, a true child of God, someone that is born again, and accepted the Lordship of Christ over his or her life, spirit-filled is the right person to marry.

Read Also: Understanding The Will Of God In Marriage

In Conclusion

Whether you succeed in marriage or fail, whether you are happy or sad, whether you enjoy or endure marriage, whether you live long or die prematurely, etc, is all dependent on the person you settle down with in marriage.

Hence, it is critically important to make sure that you know who the right person is and also one for yourself. There is so much that depends on this.

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© Samuel Okolie

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